Teleflora's Upsy Daisy Bouquet
What could be sweeter than a cheerful yellow vase filled with white and yellow daisies? Can't think of anything? Then choose this sunny bouquet. It will brighten their day.
Surprise someone you love with an array of amazing daisies in a charming yellow vase that's bright as sunshine. They'll be singing your praises for days to come.
Surprise someone you love with an array of amazing daisies in a charming yellow vase that's bright as sunshine. They'll be singing you praises for days to come.
Orientation : All-Around
All prices in USD ($)
Created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, this cheerful yellow vase will be a favorite for all kinds of bright bouquets.
15" H
13" W
Standard - $39.99
16" H
12 3/4" W
Deluxe - $49.99